Tuesday, January 12, 2010

The Truth

The word truth extends from the honesty , good , faith and sincerity in general to agreements with facts or reality in particular . The term "truth " has no single definitions about which majority of scientists and scholars agree . There are different theories of truth such as substantive theories , minimalist and semantic theories . In these theories there are different claims on questions like what is truth and how to define truth ?
Truth may be defined on the basis of religious a, scientific and mythological sense.
Truth on religious senses:
Most of the religious traditions have a body of doctrine that adherents of views of creeds ,it may refer to a book such as the Vedas for Hindus , the Bible for Christians and Koran for Muslims societies or it may be unwritten code.
Truth on scientific sense:
Science always seeks to approach truth by the scientific method such method never proves a theory but shows that it is definitely true ,Except when it comes to directly observable facts & collecting facts.Initial in stages that ordinary people can't understand that truth as it was their against beliefs It will brings social and mental disoders in the people .Copernicus's view that earth revolves around the sun was too revolutionary to be accepted by there religions people of times who considered the earth is the central planet .This shows that street people never wants to exercise their intellect to understand the complex truth .


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