Tuesday, January 12, 2010

The Truth

The word truth extends from the honesty , good , faith and sincerity in general to agreements with facts or reality in particular . The term "truth " has no single definitions about which majority of scientists and scholars agree . There are different theories of truth such as substantive theories , minimalist and semantic theories . In these theories there are different claims on questions like what is truth and how to define truth ?
Truth may be defined on the basis of religious a, scientific and mythological sense.
Truth on religious senses:
Most of the religious traditions have a body of doctrine that adherents of views of creeds ,it may refer to a book such as the Vedas for Hindus , the Bible for Christians and Koran for Muslims societies or it may be unwritten code.
Truth on scientific sense:
Science always seeks to approach truth by the scientific method such method never proves a theory but shows that it is definitely true ,Except when it comes to directly observable facts & collecting facts.Initial in stages that ordinary people can't understand that truth as it was their against beliefs It will brings social and mental disoders in the people .Copernicus's view that earth revolves around the sun was too revolutionary to be accepted by there religions people of times who considered the earth is the central planet .This shows that street people never wants to exercise their intellect to understand the complex truth .

Monday, December 14, 2009

Mythology oy Swyambhu Nath Temple

According to Swayambhu Purana, the entire valley was once filled with an enormous lake, out of which grew a lotus. The valley came to be known as Swayambhu, meaning "Self-Created." The name comes from an eternal self-existent flame over which a sūpa was later built
Swayambhunath is also known as the Monkey Temple as there are holy monkeys living in parts of the temple in the north-west. They are holy because Manjushree, the bodhisattva of wisdom and learning was raising the hill which the Swayambhunath Temple stands on. He was supposed to leave his hair short but he made it grow long and head lice grew. It is said that the head lice had transformed into these monkeys.
The Bodhisatva Manjushri had a vision of the lotus at Swayambhu and traveled there to worship it. Seeing that the valley can be good settlement and to make the site more accessible to human pilgrims, Manjushri cut a gorge at Chovar. The water drained out of the lake, leaving the valley in which Kathmandu now lies. The lotus was transformed into a hill and the flower become the Swayambhunath stupa.

Thursday, December 3, 2009


The Qur'an states that all Muslims must believe in God, his revelations, his angels, his messengers, and in the "Day of Judgmentimproper synthesis?Also, there are other beliefs that differ between particular sects. The Sunni concept of predestination is called divine decreewhile the Shi'a version is called divine justice. Unique to the Shi'a is the doctrine of Imamah, or the political and spiritual leadership of the Imams.Muslims believe that God revealed his final message to humanity through the Islamic prophet Muhammad via the archangel Gabriel (Jibrīl). For them, Muhammad was God's final prophet and the Qur'an is the holy book of revelations he received over more than two decades.In Islam, prophets are men selected by God to be his messengers. Muslims believe that prophets are human and not divine, though some are able to perform miracles to prove their claim. Islamic prophets are considered to be the closest to perfection of all humans, and are uniquely the recipients of divine revelation—either directly from God or through angels. The Qur'an mentions the names of numerous figures considered prophets in Islam, including Adam, Noah, Abraham, Moses and Jesus, among othersIslamic theology says that all of God's messengers since Adam preached the message of Islam—submission to the will of God. According to the Quran the will of God is brought to the nations by the descendants of Abraham and Imran. Islam is described in the Qur'an as "the primordial nature upon which God created mankind and the Qur'an states that the proper name Muslim was given by Abraham.As a historical phenomenon, Islam originated in Arabia in the early 7th century. Islamic texts depict Judaism and Christianity as prophetic successor traditions to the teachings of Abraham. The Qur'an calls Jews and Christians "People of the Book" (ahl al-kitāb), and distinguishes them from polytheists. Muslims believe that parts of the previously revealed scriptures, the Tawrat (Torah) and the Injil (Gospels), had become distorted—either in interpretation, in text, or both

Diwali in Sikihism

According to Sikhism
According to Sikhism, Diwali has been greatly significant since the illumination of the Holy town of Amritsar commemorating the homecoming of Guru Har Gobind Ji (1595-1644). He was the sixth Guru of Sikhism, who was imprisoned by Emperor Jahangir along with other m.Hindu kings at Fort Gwalior. After releasing the other prisoners, Guru ji went to the Harmandir Sahib which is popularly known as the Golden Temple in the holy city of Amritsar in Punjab, where the Guru ji was welcomed happily by the people who lit thousands of candles and divas to warmly greet the Guru. Due to this, Sikhs often refer to Diwali festival day as “Bandi Chhorh Divas”that is “the day of release of detainees.”

Thursday, November 26, 2009

Religion of Rai

Historians today are convinced that a widespread cultural conflict took place in the eastern Himalayan region between the indigenous inhabitants – called the Kirat – and the Tibetan migrant population, reaching a climax during the 18th and 19th centuries. Another wave of political and cultural conflict, between Gorkhali
GorkhaliGorkhali was a Nepali language-language weekly newspaper published in Varanasi, India. It began publication in 1919. Devi Prasad Sapkota was the editor of the newspaper.... and Kirat ideals, surfaced in the Kirat region of present-day Nepal during the last quarter of the 18th century. A collection of manuscripts from the 18th and 19th centuries, till now unpublished and unstudied by historians, have made possible a new understanding of this conflict. These historical sources are among those collected by Brian Houghton Hodgson
Brian Houghton HodgsonBrian Houghton Hodgson was an earlynatural history and ethnologist working in British India and Nepal where hewas an England civil servant.... – a British diplomat and self-trained Orientalist appointed to the Kathmandu
KathmanduKathmandu is the Capital and the largest metropolis city of Nepal. The city is situated in Kathmandu Valley that also contains two other cities - Patan, Nepal and Bhaktapur.... court during the second quarter of the 19th century – and his principal research aide, the Newar
NewarThe Newa are the Indigenous peoples of Asia people of Nepal Kathmandu Valley. Newars are a linguistic community with Tibeto-Burman and Indo ethnictiy/race, bound together by a common language.... scholar Khardar Jitmohan.

Wednesday, November 25, 2009

God's Location

Armstrong, a British journalist and former nun, guides us along one of the most elusive and fascinating quests of all time--the search for God. Like all beloved historians, Armstrong entertains us with deft storytelling, astounding research, and makes us feel a greater appreciation for the present because we better understand our past. Be warned: A History of God is not a tidy linear history. Rather, we learn that the definition of God is constantly being repeated, altered, discarded, and resurrected through the ages, responding to its followers' practical concerns rather than to mystical mandates. Armstrong also shows us how Judaism, Christianity, and Islam have overlapped and influenced one another, gently challenging the secularist history of each of these religions. --Gail Hudson

History of God

A History of God is a best-selling book by Karen Armstrong. It details the history of the three great monotheistic traditions: Judaism, Christianity and Islam. Also included in the book are Buddhism and Hinduism. The evolution of the idea of God is traced from its ancient roots in the Middle EastThe documentary hypothesis (DH) (sometimes called the Wellhausen hypothesis, after Julius Wellhausen, though he did not invent it), holds that the Pentateuch (the Torah, or the Five Books of Moses) was derived from originally independent, parallel and complete narratives, which were subsequently combined into the current form by a series of redactors (editors). The number of these is usually set at four distinct schools, but this is not an essential part of the hypothesis. up to the present day

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